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Learn the answers to our most frequently asked questions at Knapp Optometrists.

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Frequently Asked Questions

During an eye exam, your optometrist will perform a pupil dilation to increase the size of the pupils during an eye exam to fully check the functioning of your optic nerve and retina. 

Eye drops are used to dilate the pupils, allowing in more light, giving our optometrist a better view of the back of your eye.  Eye dilation helps our optometrist diagnose common diseases and conditions, possibly at their earliest stages.  These include:

  • Diabetes
  • Macular degeneration
  • Retinal detachment
  • Glaucoma

Changes to the eyes naturally occur during the ageing process and therefore its extremely  important to have our eyes checked at regular intervals during our life. As with all diseases, it is better to catch them earlier than later. By having regular checks, the optometrist is able to monitor any changes.

10 Indicators that you need an eye test:

  1. Blurred close-up vision
  2. Poor distance vision
  3. Difficulty seeing objects both close up, and at a distance (astigmatism)
  4. Difficulty seeing at night
  5. Increased difficulty adjusting from dark to light surroundings
  6. Difficulty in reading or working at a computer
  7. Eye strain or eye fatigue
  8. Frequent headaches
  9. Double vision
  10. Seeing halos around light


Some eye diseases show little sign or symptoms, so regular check ups will highlight any abnormalities at an early stage allowing early intervention.

It is important to share with your optometrist your lifestyle habits, so that they can ensure you put the right measure in place for good vision.


We advise patients to allow 30 minutes for their thorough eye exam.

Screening for all common eye diseases, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts are all tested in our examinations.

The optometrist will also:

  • discuss with you your family history and lifestyle 
  • examine your eyes and related structures for any vision problems, signs of eye disease or other abnormalities
  • assess your eyes for a focusing disorder – such as myopia, hypermetropia,
  • astigmatism or presbyopia
  • measure your eye movement and coordination
  • perform further tests if required
  • refer you, if needed, to your local doctor or ophthalmologist


If further tests are required, we will advise you accordingly.

Subsequent eye tests can take less than 10 minutes.  You will be advised at time of booking or rebooking

Dry eyes?

Dry eye syndrome (keratitis sicca) is a treatable eye disease that affects the cornea and can produce discomfort, eye redness, itching and vision fluctuation, usually caused by an imbalance or insufficient production of tears.

“Bespoke, Boutique, Beautiful”

Eye Test

Our skilled team will help you select the best lens design to help you get the best out of your vision, factoring in individual lifestyle, ergonomics and physical requirements

Eye Care

Being a third generation optometrist business we have the expertise and the technology to early detect the most common eye problems and provide you with professional eye care guidance and solutions


Established in 1895, Knapp Optometrists have been bringing the finest eyewear from around the world to our customers in Perth. Our certificated opticians will show you one of our bespoke brands.

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