(08) 9481 3838

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Eye Care

Eye Care

As an employer, the greatest asset of any business is its health and wellbeing of its people.  

Caring for the health of your employees eyesight is not only about providing a duty of care but can also have a direct correlation on your workforce’s productivity and comfort.

With our CBD location, we are surrounded by a work force who experience eye strain caused by long hours in front of electronic digital devices. Whilst these technologies improve our efficiency, they can also place more demand on our physical wellbeing, and no more so on the health of our eyes. 

Eye strain has symptoms such as tired, burning eyes, headaches, blurred vision, neck and back pain and muscle spasms. 

An eye test with our optometrist will give a proper diagnosis and treatment options.

We will happily perform full eye examinations or visual screening for our corporate customers. This includes VDU screening, industry specific testing and full eye examinations. 

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Eyetest Bulk Invoicing

We provide our clients with the benefit of bulk billing via Medicare.  Check with our friendly staff about your entitlements

Staff Vouchers

Secure a series of benefits and discounts for your employees and their registered family members

Eyecare Education

Providing your staff with relevant information about eye care, treatment, eye safety and common problems will show you really care about the health and wellbeing of your people, making you an employer of choice

CBD Location

Our convenient CBD location 

Corporate Sales

Get in touch with our corporate sales representatives for a no-obligation business consultation and provide your staff members and their family with extended benefits; our corporate packages are designed to guarantee excellent discounts in eyewear, safety glasses, prescriptions and eye tests.

Focus on the wellbeing of your staff

Eye Test

Our skilled team will help you select the best lens design to help you get the best out of your vision, factoring in individual lifestyle, ergonomics and physical requirements

Eye Care

Being a third generation optometrist business we have the expertise and the technology to early detect the most common eye problems and provide you with professional eye care guidance and solutions


Established in 1895, Knapp Optometrists have been bringing the finest eyewear from around the world to our customers in Perth. Our certificated opticians will show you one of our bespoke brands.